If you are in crisis and need help immediately:
Please contact SafeCallNow at 206-459-3020 or one of the other resources listed here.

- Corporate Offices
- 13221 E 32nd Ave
- Ste. 1 PMB 500
- Spokane Valley, Washington, 99216
- Donations and General Inquiries
- 17020 Chatsworth St., #1010
- Granada Hills, CA 91344
Interested in being listed an a mental health provider on our website?
- Click here to complete our provider interest form. Do not use the form below.
Have a question, comment, or concern about The Code Green Campaign®?
- Please contact us using this form, but allow 2-4 business days for a reply. If we are traveling or at a conference that can also delay our replies.
- Check our FAQ page here – you may find your question already answered.